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मंगळवार, १४ डिसेंबर, २०२१

A Dream I Had

        A Dream I Had 

      मी पाहिलेले स्वप्न

          Once I had a wonderful dream. I had read a book on the America's space mission about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. I dreamt I was an astronaut. I saw myself being trained as an astronaut. I had read about the rigorous training astronauts go through to survive in space. I was actually seeing myself going through the same difficult training. I also saw that there were two men accompanying me in my mission.

I could feel the excitement as I saw that we were approaching the space shuttle. We were fully equipped for the flight. We boarded the space shuttle and took off. I could feel the thrill as I was going to land on another heavenly body. We landed on the moon and felt as light as a feather. I saw that I and my companions collected some specimens of moon soil and rocks. Then we started on our flight back to earth. We were constantly in touch with the space control station on the earth. I saw that we were about to land on the earth when we crashed into the sea. I let out a scream of terror. My parents came rushing into my room and shook me awake. I realized I had fallen from my bed and covered with sweat. My thrilling experience was, after all, only a dream.

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