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रविवार, ५ डिसेंबर, २०२१

The Autobiography of a River

  The Autobiography of a River 

नदीचे आत्मवृत्त

 I am a broad and mighty river. My home is in the snow-capped mountains of the north. I was born from a glacier and thus, began my flow down the mountain side. The snowy peak is my father. He cradles me in his arms where I am joined by small rivulets and together we take the form of the mighty river that I am. I start my journey over the - plains. The goal of my journey is always the same - to merge into the mighty ocean. I flow over the plains, passing through many cities and villages. I am a witness to the lives of these people. I know everything that goes on in the places through which I flow. I am a silent witness- I see but I do not speak. I make the plains fertile and provide water to the people. A dam was built across me. My stomach swelled behind this dam and my water was used for irrigating the dry land and to provide electricity: In the rainy season I am swollen and turbulent. I sometimes overflow on my banks. I am capable of causing destruction as I often cause floods during the monsoon. The crops, houses, cattle are destroyed and the farmers face great loss. Many people lose their lives. No one can deny the fact that I am very useful to man. My waters are used for irrigation, drinking, providing electricity, washing, in factories. Grass and wild flowers spring up on my banks. In the evenings people sit on my banks to enjoy the coolness. People also bathe in me and pray to their gods. Sometimes they come and worship me as well. My final destination is the sea. After crossing the plains I merge into the sea and become one with it forever.

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