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रविवार, ५ डिसेंबर, २०२१



           Anything that is done repeatedly becomes a habit. All of us have habits. Once we get into a particular habit, we do it without thinking about it. Habits can be good and bad. Rising early, punctuality, working hard, cleanliness are good habits. Lying, using bad language, stealing are bad habits. It is important to cultivate good habits and avoid the bad ones. Habits might be weak at first, but,

once they become strong, they are difficult to break. Thus, it's important to inculcate good habits as they stay with us through our life. Everyone respects a man who has good habits. Habits make a man; therefore a habit can make you or break you. Good habits such as time management, hard work, sincerity can make a person successful and the best in his chosen field. On the other hand, bad habits such as drinking, lying and stealing can destroy a person's life. A person with bad habits is despised and mocked at. Childhood is the right time to instill good habits. If a child grows up with bad habits, no one can make him unlearn them in the long run. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parents to see that the child develops good habits. Habits help make our personality. A man can be successful only if he has good habits.

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